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Log Splitter Sizes

This depends on your wants vs. needs, so we’ll try to help you discover what is most important. Let’s be honest. You likely want the biggest, baddest, tonnage to effortlessly split wood like it’s butter. Besides, it helps to stroke your ego too – admit it. But in reality, you likely just don’t need that much log splitter tonnage or features. Why spend more cash on log splitter parts and equipment when you just don’t need it?

Did you know the average rental size unit in the United States is a 26-ton log splitter?ย  Most non-commercial projects just donโ€™t need more tonnage than that.

I’m sure any log splitter manufacturer will be more than happy to sell you a larger splitter that you genuinely want. But seriously, do you really know what kind of splitting force you need? It’s important to remember too that more force equals more breakage, and we’re not just talking about wood here. Your equipment is subject to damage too. That’s something to consider when you’re shopping for replacement parts.Log Splitter Parts and Pumps

What Kind of Wood Are You Splitting?

Here’s a general guideline based on the Janka Hardness Test. This test measures the hardness of various wood species based on the necessary pounds-force (lbf) needed to embed a steel ball into the wood.ย  Now obviously, this is just a general specification. Every piece of wood is different; different grain, temperature, dampness, dryness, etc.

Janka Hardness Rating to Splitter Tonnage

Know The Log Splitter Manufacturer

Be careful. It may seem like a great deal to get a larger tonnage log splitter for about the same price or a little more than say the average 26-ton or 34-ton splitter. Thatโ€™s not always the case when it comes to log splitters or log splitter parts.

Know what to look for:

  • Who is the manufacturer?
  • How long have they been in business?
  • Have you researched the manufacturer and read reviews?
  • How readily available are new parts and components?
  • The motor size, pump size, and hydraulic fluid capacity work together.
  • Motor brand: this can be more important than the horsepower when it comes to reliability, maintenance, and parts.
  • Type of warranty included, and what parts are covered specifically.
  • Cycle Time: how fast will it splits a piece of wood.

It is common to find higher tonnage wood splitters from no-brand or value brands; however many have very slow cycle times compared to reputable brands that cost more. If you don’t mind splitting one log to every 4-5 logs of a better brand with faster cycling, then no worries.

Then there’s another problem with cycle times being too fast!ย  Donโ€™t get sucked into the 3-5 second cycle time sales pitch. Most people canโ€™t work that fast, nor do they want to.

Log Splitters Manufacturers and Log Splitter Parts and Brands to Consider

All four of these companies listed have roots in the United States that have spread out to make them some of the top wood splitting brands, manufacturers, and innovators in the world.

  • The Iron and Oak brand is commonly found in rental stores, and are known for being “commercial grade.”
  • The Braveย brand is another excellent choice if your projects need a bit more power.
  • Swisher log splitters have very solid 28-ton and 34-ton log splitters. Swisher has been in business over 60 years, and their prices will compete with any import on the market.
  • Oregon log splitters that have some great features and also been in business for over 60 years.

Everyone’s needs are different, but the goal here is to help learn a bit more during your research.

Special thanks to Woodsplittersdirect.com website for publishing this article previously.ย  We condensed it down a bit for our purposes.